Elephant’s Foot
What to do:
- Create several elephant footprints by tracing the pattern onto tagboard. Cut out and cover with clear contact paper.
- Work with children to measure distances using the elephant’s foot. Move the footprint heel-to-toe from point “A” to point “B.”
- Each child can have a footprint and measure various things around the room.
- For older children: Provide materials to make an “elephant’s yardstick,” which is three footprints long.
- Encourage them to use the yardstick to measure distances.
- Practice counting and adding by threes.
For younger children:
- Tape footprints to the floor and write a number on each footprint.
- Let the children step on footprints as though they are following a path.
- Encourage them to count how many feet it is from point “A” to point “B.”