Cookie Cutter Mobile

What to do:
- Mobiles help infants develop visual skills. Make a mobile out of different shapes and colors of clay dough. Change it often as dough can dry out and become brittle.
- Hang the mobile no closer than 12 inches from infant’s eyes to the right or left (not in the middle).
- Make clay objects using cookie cutters.
- Make a hole in the middle to attach a string so the infants can look up at the shapes. Allow to dry completely.
- Punch six evenly spaced holes around the edge of a coffee lid or pie tin.
- Cut six 12-inch pieces of string or yarn and thread through the holes.
- Make knots on top side of lid or tin (leaving 4 inches above knot for tying hanging loop).
- Attach clay objects to string, making sure they are balanced. Double-knot objects in place when balanced.
- Attach to ceiling with strong hook or plant holder.
- Take mobile down once infant can sit up and reach for objects.