Browse Activities
Activities for Science and Nature
Building Up/Knocking Down
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Nature Walk
Infants (0-12 months)
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Language Skills
Science and Nature
Language and Literacy
Science and Nature
Balls in a Basin
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Thinking Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Science and Nature
Ice Berg
Infants (0-12 months)
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Science and Nature
Thinking Skills
Language and Literacy
Science and Nature
Ice Collage
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Movement and Physical Activity
Science and Nature
Nature Bag
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Things to do With Bubbles
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Movement and Physical Activity
Science and Nature
Caring for Animals
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Scrambled Eggs
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Nutrition and Cooking
Science and Nature
Sun Shadow Pictures
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Sponge Toss
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Movement and Physical Activity
Science and Nature
Bark Rubbings
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Thinking Skills
Science and Nature
Crayon Melts
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Flag Fun
School-age (6+ years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Thinking Skills
Movement and Physical Activity
Science and Nature
Bee Game
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Movement and Physical Activity
Science and Nature
Milk Carton Wind Catchers
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Soil and Sand Comparison
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Seed Sprouts
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Seed Catalog Collage
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
See Around Corners
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Roll That Can
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Make Fog
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
April Showers
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Be the Wind
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Bird’s Nest
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Butterfly Blots
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Make a Nest
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Science and Nature
Butterfly Game
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Movement and Physical Activity
Science and Nature
Cotton Ball Drop
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Science and Nature
Cotton Ball Toss
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Exploring Ramps
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Faster and Slower
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Feathers, Fur and Scales
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Felt Board Fun
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Filter That
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Finger Paint With Mud
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Thinking Skills
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Finger Puppet Play
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Language Skills
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Thinking Skills
Dramatic Play
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Language and Literacy
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Magnifying Glass Fun
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Fruits and Vegetables
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Nutrition and Cooking
Science and Nature
Ice Cube Melt
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Thinking Skills
Language and Literacy
Science and Nature
Hunting Bugs
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Thinking Skills
Science and Nature
Kite Fun
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Worm Observations
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Sponge Play
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Thinking Skills
Science and Nature
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Ants in the Ground
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Apple Comparison
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
Science and Nature
Nutrition and Cooking
Peek Pictures
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
Science and Nature
Thinking Skills
Science and Nature
Cone Trees
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Wind Catcher
Science and Nature
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Leaf Hand Print Trees
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Social Skills
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Breezin’ Rings
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Frozen Paper
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Crystal Bubbles
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Shadow Art
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Nature Rubbings
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
What Would it be Like?
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Language Skills
Science and Nature
Thinking Skills
Language and Literacy
Science and Nature
Animal Track Blocks
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Gone Fishing
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Science and Nature
Insect Jars
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Science and Nature
Story of Baby Bird
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
Language Skills
Science and Nature
Language and Literacy
Science and Nature
Flying Feathers
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Movement and Physical Activity
Science and Nature
Digging for Worms
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Science and Nature
Animal Food Match
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
Science and Nature
Thinking Skills
Science and Nature
Iridescent Soap Bubbles
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Movement and Physical Activity
Science and Nature
Ice Cube Experiment
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Thinking Skills
Science and Nature
Animal Homes
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Science and Nature
Make Ladybugs
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Make a Fan
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Make Spiders
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Butterfly Feet
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Caterpillar Creations
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Magnet Fun
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Science and Nature
Balance It
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Science and Nature
Colored Celery
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
Science and Nature
Thinking Skills
Science and Nature
Build an Igloo
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Movement and Physical Activity
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Trace a Shadow
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Flashlight Play
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Plant a Garden
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Water Printing
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Outdoor Play
Winter Animal Tag
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Movement and Physical Activity
Science and Nature
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Language Skills
Science and Nature
Language and Literacy
Science and Nature
Visit the Farm or Zoo
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Language and Literacy
Movement and Physical Activity
Science and Nature
Stormy Sea Picture
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Seaside Texture Pictures
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Movement and Physical Activity
Science and Nature
Nature Scavenger Hunt
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Thinking Skills
Science and Nature
Nature Wreath
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Sand Play
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Seed Study
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Science and Nature
Snow Hikes
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Movement and Physical Activity
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Spider Webs
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Science and Nature
Sticky Bracelets
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Plastic Sack Kites
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Movement and Physical Activity
Science and Nature
Wind Play
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Movement and Physical Activity
Science and Nature
Floating on Air Activity
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)
Large Motor Skills
Science and Nature
Movement and Physical Activity
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Autumn Nature Collage
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
Science and Nature
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Fall Nature Walk
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
Science and Nature
Movement and Physical Activity
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Autumn Tree
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
Science and Nature
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Find Activities
Type of Activity
Dramatic Play
Eye-Hand Coordination and Small Motor
Health and Safety
Holidays and Celebrations
Language and Literacy
Movement and Physical Activity
Nutrition and Cooking
Outdoor Play
Science and Nature
Skills Learned
Language Skills
Large Motor Skills
Music Appreciation
Science and Nature
Small Motor Skills
Social Skills
Thinking Skills
Age Group
Infants (0-12 months)
Toddlers (13-35 months)
Preschool-age (3-5 years)
School-age (6+ years)